HealLift - 01 Aug 2024
10 ways to Improve your Focus and Concentration
By implementing these ten strategies, you can significantly improve your ability to stay focused, be more productive, and achieve your goals efficiently.
Heal Lift
Healing begins when you choose to take care of yourself and begin to self-love
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas; what happens on Twitter stays on Google forever! - Jure Klepic
Unlike in Vegas, the things you post on social media stay on social media forever. As such in the era of social media; trends are the most notable phenomenon that has developed and gained popularity throughout. Despite exhibiting certain predictable patterns, these trends are in a perpetual state of flux, constantly evolving and capturing the attention of users worldwide.
A few of these trending generations are;
1. Sharing visual content (Visual content is more likely to be engaging and shared than text-only content. Such as photos, videos, and infographics.)
2. Live streaming
3. Short-form content (videos that are 15 seconds or less, or text-based posts that are 100words or less)
5. Influencer marketing ( a form of marketing where businesses partner with social media influencers to promote their products or services)
While they are just a few of the most common social media trends, social media continues to evolve, and we can expect to see even more new and innovative trends emerge. The question today is How do these trends affect our mental health? or Do these trends affect our mental health?
While trends are naturally formed when a significant number of people get together to perform or follow an activity centered on an idea, trends are purposely established with the intention of uniting people around a topic of debate. A trend gains popularity as much as individuals adopt it. People who use social media have the opportunity to become successful due to its immense popularity and adaptability.
Just as we previously discussed, these trends exert a powerful influence on human psychology, impacting it in two distinct ways.
1. Trends have a gravitational pull on the human mind, drawing individuals of different mental conditions towards them.
2. People often pursue these trends in a quest for popularity. However, their pursuit may lead to a transformation, as they may experience dissatisfaction if the anticipated popularity is not attained.
The Gratifications Theory
The trends pull people of different mental health towards using social media, while the Gratifications theory suggests that poor mental health might predict heightened social media use in the future. This theory assumes that the depressed individual has a more active role with each individual choosing to engage in certain types of social media to fulfill certain needs. An individual who is feeling depressed might turn to social media to try to relieve depressive symptoms by trying to connect with others online. Alternatively, they may turn to social media as a form of escapism, perhaps to numb emotional pain. And they get way more attracted by trends, which the results either good or bad might drain their mental health.
The Satisfaction and Un-satisfaction created through Trends
Many individuals follow trends on social media with the basic intention of gaining popularity and recognition. Somehow this might lead to unexpected transformations, particularly when individuals experience dissatisfaction if their efforts fail to yield the anticipated level of popularity. As individuals spend time, effort, and resources to align themselves with these trends, they may develop a high sense of anticipation and expectation regarding the reception of their content.
However, when the expected level of popularity or validation is not achieved, individuals may experience feelings of disappointment, inadequacy, or even rejection. This discrepancy between expectations and reality can prompt a process of introspection and self-evaluation, leading to a transformation in their attitudes, behaviors, and goals. Finally, the experience of disappointed expectations may trigger a cycle of comparison, competition, and validation-seeking, attention-seeking actions, sustaining emotions of dissatisfaction and insecurity. Individuals in this position may become increasingly focused on projecting a sense of success and popularity, even at the price of their well-being and genuineness.
People may also behave in specific ways to get popularity, developing an aberrant personality to stand out in society. This might lead to the spread of harmful ideas and influences across society. It does hurt them as well.
The trends highlight two major exceptional personalities in society;
1. Attention seekers
2. Activists
Who are they?
Will sort out the differences below, Attention seekers and Activists in social media differ in their objectives and approaches.
Attention seekers
- They aim to promote messages and garner attention for social causes, facing challenges similar to those offline.
- They mobilize rapid attention and focus on issues like the Black Lives Matter movement, as highlighted in, where they utilize Social media for organizing protests and spreading information.
- They prioritize personal visibility over social change, as discussed in, where social media's algorithmic selections steer users towards sensational content rather than community-building.
Attention-seeking behavior often leads individuals to develop unusual personal traits, causing them to deviate from typical behavioral patterns. They may attempt to normalize these behaviors, adversely affecting society by setting a negative example. Furthermore, such actions can tarnish the positive influence of activists and their campaigns, as attention seekers may overshadow genuine efforts with their disruptive antics. Consequently, the credibility and effectiveness of activism may be compromised, as society perceives these movements through the lens of attention-seeking behavior rather than genuine advocacy for change. This dynamic undermines the progress and reputation of activists striving for positive societal transformation.
So follow the trends because they bring changes but don't become victims of trends.
Keep out the hard talk, I need to jump up to a different topic from here onwards; in a more informal style.
The researchers identify five personality traits in researching. In The Big Five personality traits (five basic dimensions of personality) you can stand at any point, so where do you stand up?
1. Neuroticism - A tendency to easily experience unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, anger, or depression.
2. Extroversion - Energy, surgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others.
3. Agreeableness - A tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.
4. Conscientiousness - A tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement.
5. Openness to experience - Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, and unusual ideas; imaginative and curious.
These different types of personalities act in social media in many different ways. They influence the society in different ways.
So think, who are you among them?
Does Scrolling lead to Sinking? - Part I
Does Scrolling lead to Sinking? - Part II
Does Scrolling lead to Sinking? - Part III